Restorative Therapy and Women's Health and Wellness

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How does EMDR Therapy help with low self-worth?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) can be a useful tool in healing painful memories and negative beliefs about ourselves as the result of childhood emotional wounds.  When primary caregivers fail to protect us or cause emotional or physical injury the wounds to our internal dialogue and belief systems are long-lasting. Here are some examples of negative beliefs/cognitions that may result from childhood emotional neglect or abuse (list is not exhaustive):


I am not ok the way I am.

I am worthless/unlovable.

It’s my fault.

I am not good enough.

I am ugly.

My body is ugly.

I am stupid.

I cannot express myself.

I am permanently damaged.


Although talk-therapy is useful in understanding the role that emotional invalidation has played in the formation of your self-concept, it is often not enough at getting to the root of the belief system because the brain has been wired for these beliefs as they have been stored in our nervous

system.  Often when we experienced these negative messages we were in a state of fight, flight, freeze or fawn.  EMDR is a method of therapy that helps keep us connected to the present as we reprocess memories and negative cognitions. 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash